Phone Number: +41 704 532 5865

This phone number may have been flagged as a source of spam or scam calls by users who have experienced unexpected charges or misleading offers.


Status: Unsafe

This number seems to be part of a marketing scam. I got unwanted calls constantly.

2 years ago
Status: Unsafe

I received a strange text with links from this number. Didn’t click them, but seemed shady.

2 years ago
Status: Safe

I had a question and was directed to the right person immediately. Very smooth process.

4 years ago
Status: Safe

The person on the line was very patient and helped me resolve my issue quickly.

5 years ago

I was called by this number, is this it? +41 704 532 5865 Is the phone number safe?

Some individuals have indicated that this phone number is often used by businesses to follow up on previous sales or customer service interactions.